Healing and Teaching

Who Is the Blind One?

But that day I was caught in the conflict between the rule of the Sabbath and loving kindness. What if doing the loving thing went against honoring the Sabbath? What if the loving thing went against the will of God?

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Joseph of Arimathea

​I don’t show up in the gospels until the very end, when I take the body of Jesus and put it in a tomb in the garden. That doesn’t mean that I didn’t spent any time with Jesus. … I was there the day that Jesus took a child and told the crowd that the kingdom of heaven belongs to children.

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Bad Things and Good People

When the word came that the tower had fallen and killed people, we didn’t know yet who had been killed. Someone said to Jesus that they must have been wicked people and God was punishing them.

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The Other Nine

Samuel did not know how he became a leper, but the understanding at the time gave him the “why.” He was being punished by God for having done something sinful.

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Jesus in Nazareth

I grew up in Nazareth, but Jesus was older than me. He was an adult, and I wasn’t even a teen when he left town. Of course, we lived in a small town, so everyone knew everyone else, regardless of their ages. So, yes, I knew Jesus.

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Act 1: To make sense of this first scene, we must remember that Jesus exaggerates, and he does it deliberately. The point he is making is that the first servant owes more than he can pay,

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Peter’s Ups and Downs

Peter is on a high. So many times, when he has spoken up, he has said the wrong thing. His life with Jesus has been full of ups and downs. His mouth just keeps getting him in trouble.

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Feeding Everyone?

Jesus and most of his disciples sat in a group, waiting as the crowds gathered. It would be another long day for Jesus, teaching and healing.

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Giving Up Everything

Let me tell you, following Jesus could be very confusing at times. Even just being in a crowd with him when he came to a village, we didn’t always know how to understand what he was saying.

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Healing the Lost

We’ve heard a lot about this Jesus of Nazareth, going through the countryside teaching and healing people. He’s gathered quite a following. So when we heard that he was coming to Jericho, we prepared to give him a proper welcome.

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Earning Their Healing?

It was a dawn like any other dawn. The sun came up. Occasionally someone in a group might comment about the beauty of the sunrise, but beauty was something that had little meaning to this group,

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Feeding the Four Thousand

Now I ask you, if you saw somebody come to your village, and this person was healing people you knew, people that you knew were sick,

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